Answered By: Contact Center
Last Updated: Mar 20, 2024     Views: 180

Each of our branches should have hard copies of The Wall Street Journal dating back at least one week.

You can also get a free online account by clicking here and using your library card number and PIN.

Additionally, you may access older articles through our databases from home.

  1. Go to our homepage,
  2. Roll your cursor over Find It and then locate and click All Digital Resources located in the far right column
  3. Click the GALILEO icon located at the top right. You will be asked for your library card number and PIN.
  4. Choose the "Full" view
  5. Click "All Journals" near the top right corner of the page
  6. Search for "Washington Post"
  7. Select the database that covers the years you are looking for

Articles will be available from 1987 to the present. If you do not have a library card, please visit the branch for assistance.