Online test preparation is available through the LearningExpress Library, Gale Courses, and To access these resources, you will need your library card number and 4-digit PIN.
- Start at the library's Digital Resources page
- Scroll down until you see Learning Express Library and click the icon to access
- You may have to enter your library card number and PIN
- Once you have entered Learning Express Library you will need to create an account with a username and password and provide an email address before you can access the practice tests on the databases
- Once your accounts are set up, you can use that username and password for future logins
To access Gale Courses scroll down and click the icon. You may have to enter your library card number and PIN. Gale Courses will also require the creation of an account with an email and password.
You can also practice for the ACT using You will need to log in with your library card number and PIN.
Digital Resources