What is the Beanstack Reading software, and how does it relate to Summer Reading?


Beanstack is a one-stop, online portal for all of your summer reading needs.  Once you create your account here https://gwinnettpl.beanstack.org/reader365, you can participate in any programs available for your grade level and you can add books that have been read, activities that have been completed and any events attended at your local library. Once you have set up an account you can add as many readers as you want.

Different accounts can be registered with the same email address but all accounts need to have a unique username.  For Gwinnett county public school students we recommend creating an account using your student ID.

You have the option of receiving book recommendations based on age/grade level, writing reviews of books and creating a Wish List of books you would like to read, with a direct link to the library's catalog.  For further information on this software, please click here https://gwinnettpl.beanstack.org/faq.

You can register for Beanstack at any time throughout the summer and get started with the program.

  • Last Updated Aug 07, 2024
  • Views 469
  • Answered By Danny Librarian

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