How do I find and register for language classes?


All of the events that the library has to offer in terms of language learning can be found on the online calendar -

Available programs for language learning right now include:

Basic English which is offered to customers learning English and they are able to learn from someone who speaks their native language.  Currently this is taught in different sessions by staff members who speak Spanish, Korean, and Japanese 

Conversations in English which is relaxed event at which customers who do not speak English as their first language have the opportunity to practice their English conversation skills.  There are open to any and all customers who are working to learn English

Conversations in Spanish which is a program designed to help customers learn basic Spanish.  A staff member presents the class in a bilingual format so it is easy for new Spanish speakers to understand

More languages have been added so make sure to check the online event calendar...

For additional information or questions please call 770-978-5154

  • Last Updated Oct 23, 2024
  • Views 478
  • Answered By Danny Librarian

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