Does the library keep back issues of magazines and newspapers?


Due to magazine wear and tear and limited shelf space, the library only retains back issues of most magazines for a limited time.

However, users have access to full-text back issues of dozens of publications, including several we do not subscribe to in hard copy, via GALILEO, Flipster, PressReader, and Overdrive.  All four of these resources can be found under the Digital Resources page which is located under the Find It tab on home page or you can find it directly by clicking here.

GALILEO requires your library card for access outside of the library. Once you have reached the GALILEO main page you can click the link for All Journals and search by clicking a letter in the alphabet or by using the keyword search box at the top of the screen.  Consumer Reports magazine can be found here.

Flipster requires your library card number (Patron ID) outside the library and has a limited selection of current magazines with the most recent issues.

PressReader requires your library card and PIN outside the library and offers access to a variety of local and national newspapers and magazines in English and other languages.  

Overdrive requires your library card and PIN for access.

Both Flipster and PressReader have apps that you can download to your phone or other device. The app for Overdrive is Libby.  In the apps you can download magazines to your device and then have access to them even when you are offline.  Issues don't stay on your device forever and will have differing expiration dates based on if they are monthly or weekly magazines.  

Digital Resources






  • Last Updated Jul 02, 2024
  • Views 482
  • Answered By Contact Center

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