Can I renew online and/or by phone?


Items may be renewed online or by phone up to two times as long as there are no outstanding requests on the items you have out and your balance does not exceed $15. Renewals add three weeks to the loan period starting from the date the renewal was placed.

To renew your materials online, Login to the library website. Enter your library card number (barcode) and pin number (passcode).  When you are logged in you should see your name display in the upper right corner of the screen.  Click your name and then click the hyperlinked number that appears above Checkouts.  This will take you to the list of items you have out and there will be a button that says 'Renew' on the far right for each item you have checked out.

To renew by phone please call the library during open hours at 770-978-5154. Please be prepared to provide your library card number and date of birth for verification as staff on the phones cannot see your pin number.

We have also included a screenshot for renewing online that might be helpful.


  • Last Updated Apr 03, 2024
  • Views 5210
  • Answered By Casey Wallace

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